My current work revolves around development and application of a regional ocean model (ROMS) domain that covers the Bering Sea region, with a focus on the lower trophic level model that runs within the ROMS model.
I’m a crusader for robustly written, well-documented scientific code; I believe thorough documentation is a crucial but undervalued part of oceanographic and ecological modeling. I also spend a lot of my time thinking about and developing data visualization techniques; I’m always looking for better ways to create data-dense, intuitive, and beautiful data visualizations to explore and convey the internal workings of complex ecosystems.
My programming language of choice is Matlab, and I’ve developed a large library of both highly-specialized and very generic Matlab functions that I share via my GitHub repository and the MatlabCentral File Exchange. I also work regularly with Fortran and python with a bit of R, html, javascript, Perl, and shell scripting mixed in. Head over to the blog for more details on this side of my work.